GYIK és hibaelhárítás


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GYIK és hibaelhárítás

GYIK és hibaelhárítás

Dátum: 16/11/2011 Azonosító: faq00002000_001

When I print from Adobe® Illustrator® with the "Improve Gray Printing" option enabled, the document with halftone setting does not print as expected. What can I do?

This issue will occur if the printer driver fails to process the data from Adobe® Illustrator®.


To solve this issue, do either of the following:

Solution 1:
Disable the "Bitmap Printing" option in the print dialogue of Adobe® Illustrator®.

  1. From the Adobe® Illustrator® application, select [File]=>[Print].
  2. Check off the "Bitmap Printing"option.


Solution 2:
Disable the "Improve Gray Printing" option in the printer driver.

  1. From the Adobe® Illustrator® application, select [File]=>[Print].
  2. Click the Properties button, and select the Advanced tab.
  3. Check off the "Improve Gray Printing" option at the Print Setting section and click OK.
  1. Click OK.

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