FAQ & Fehlerbehebung



FAQ & Fehlerbehebung

FAQ & Fehlerbehebung


Nicht Ihr Produkt?

Datum: 14.09.2021 Kennnummer: faq00100401_502

Set the Setting Lock Password


  1. Press [Settings]>[All Settings]>[General Setup]>[Setting Lock].
    If your machine displays the [All Settings] menu on the Home screen, skip the [Settings] menu.
  2. Enter a four-digit number for the password.
  3. Press [OK].
  4. When the LCD displays [Verify], re-enter the password.
  5. Press [OK].
  6. Press .


  1. Press [Admin Settings]>[Password].
    This password is also valid for other [Admin Settings] features and Web Based Management login.
  2. Type the password you want to use. (8 to 32 characters), and then press [OK].
  3. When the LCD displays [Verify], retype the password, and then press [OK].
  4. When the machine prompts you to select next step, choose your selection.
  5. Press .

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