FAQ et Diagnostic



FAQ et Diagnostic

FAQ et Diagnostic

Date: 24.09.2024 ID: faq00100836_003

How to set the Auto Power Off time

Follow the steps below to set the Auto Power Off time.


  1. Press OnOff to turn the machine on.
  2. Press OnOff and Stop buttons simultaneously.
    The error LED starts blinking.

    Move to the next step within one minute, or the scanner will return to standby mode.

  3. Press button1 three times.
    All LEDs turn on and then quickly turn off.
  4. Press button1 the number of times required for the Auto Power Off setting you want. (See the table below).

    Make sure you select the setting within four seconds, or the scanner will return to standby mode.

    Number of button presses Auto Power Off settings
    1 Off
    2 20 minutes
    3 1 hour
    4 2 hours
    5 4 hours
    6 8 hours

    All LEDs will flash the number of times you press the button1 button.

    You can check the Auto Power Off time set on your scanner using Remote Setup via the Brother Utilities app on your computer or Web Based Management.
    If you use Remote Setup, download the latest Full Driver & Software Package and install it.

    > Click here to download latest Full Driver & Software Package in the Downloads section.

Modèles apparentés


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