ЧЗВ и отстраняване на неизправности |
Дата: 29/01/2019 Идентификационен номер: faq00100611_000
Command List of brscan. (Linux)
> Stop Scan-key-tool
> List available Brother devices
> Change the name of the target user
> Set password
> Hide a scanner device from Scan-key-tool (Available only with network connected scanner)
> Change the action of scan-key-tool
Stop Scan-key-tool
Command: brscan-skey -t
List available Brother devices
Command: brscan-skey -l
Change the name of the target user
- Login as the user which you want to change the target name which is displayed on the scanner LCD.
Change the name for brscan-skey.
Command: brscan-skey -u (Newname-for-brscan-skey)
Restart brscan-skey.
Command(Stop): brscan-skey -t
Command(Start): brscan-skey
***The new user name must be less than 16 characters, only alphabet and numbers can be used.
***Command without the name parameter will reset the name for brscan-skey.
Set password
Run brscan-skey command with "-p" option.(superuser authorization is required)
Command: brscan-skey -p (4-numeric-digit-password)
Restart Scan-key-tool
Command(Stop): brscan-skey -t
Command(Restart): brscan-skey
- The password is required on the device LCD to start scanning.
***To reset the password, use "brscan-skey -p" without parameters.(superuser authorization is required)
Hide a scanner device from Scan-key-tool (Available only with network connected scanner)
Check the device name.
Command: brscan-skey -l
Delete the entry.
Command: brscan-skey -d (device-name)
Change the action of scan-key-tool
The actions taken by the scan-key-tool are described in the /usr/local/Brother/sane/brscan-skey-(version).cfg
Parameters |
IMAGE=(The script for scan-to-image selection) OCR=(The script for scan-to-ocr selection) ***Scan-to-OCR is not available EMAIL=(The script for scan-to-email selection) FILE=(The script for scan-to-file selection) |
Default shell script for scan-to-image;
Default shell script for scan-to-file;
Default shell script for scan-to-email;
Example: Multiple sheets are scanned from ADF using scan-to-file, and it is made into one PDF file.
Change the file(/usr/local/Brother/sane/script/scantofile-x.x.x-x.sh) as follows.
NOTE:scanadf, pnmtops, and ps2pdf need to be installed.
#! /bin/sh
set +o noclobber
# $1 = scanner device
# $2 = friendly name
# 100,200,300,400,600
mkdir -p $BASE
if [ "`which usleep`" != ' ' ];then
usleep 10000
sleep 0.01
output_tmp=$BASE/$(date | sed s/' '/'_'/g | sed s/'\:'/'_'/g)
echo "scan from $2($device)"
scanadf --device-name "$device" --resolution $resolution -o"$output_tmp"_%04d
for pnmfile in $(ls "$output_tmp"*)
echo pnmtops "$pnmfile" "$pnmfile".ps
pnmtops "$pnmfile" > "$pnmfile".ps
rm -f "$pnmfile"
echo psmerge -o"$output_tmp".ps $(ls "$output_tmp"*.ps)
psmerge -o"$output_tmp".ps $(ls "$output_tmp"*.ps)
echo ps2pdf "$output_tmp".ps "$output_tmp".pdf
ps2pdf "$output_tmp".ps "$output_tmp".pdf
for psfile in $(ls "$output_tmp"*.ps)
rm $psfile
rm -f "$pnmfile".ps
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