FAQ et Diagnostic |
Date: 23/07/2024 ID: faqp00000106_004
I cannot install the printer driver because the installation stops after I connect the printer to my computer.
- Turned the machine on after you connected it to the computer.
- Download the Printer Driver Uninstaller from the [Downloads] section of this website. Once downloaded, double-click the downloaded file.
- When the installation starts, follow the on-screen instructions. After restarting your computer, re-install the printer driver.
- If you are using other Brother P-touch, Label Printer, Stamp Creator or Mobile Printer series, re-install the drivers for each series after running the tool.
- If your machine's icon remains in the Devices and Printers after running the tool, right-click the icon and delete it.
Pour toute assistance supplémentaire, contactez le service clientèle de Brother:
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