FAQ et Diagnostic



FAQ et Diagnostic

FAQ et Diagnostic

Date: 14/04/2020 ID: faqp00001476_002

How do I use Print Options and what features are they?

There are Print Options depending on purpose as follows:



You can print many copies of the same text while increasing a selected number by 1 after each label is printed.


<Example> To print copies of a label containing a serial number (0123, 0124 and 0125)


  1. Move the cursor to the last number with the Cursor key ( Cursor (D200) ).


  2. Press the [Shift] key ( Shift (D200) / Shift (D202) ) and the [Print] key ( Print (D200) / Print (D202) ).


  3. Select [Numbering] with the Cursor key and press the [OK] key.


  4. Press the Cursor key to select the highest number you want to print and press the [Enter] key ( Enter (D200) / Enter (D202) ) .



Use clear tape in [Mirror], so the labels can be read correctly from the opposite side when attached on glass, windows or other transparent surfaces.




  1. Press the [Shift] key and the [Print] key.


  2. Select [Print Options] with the Cursor key and press the [OK] key.


  3. [Mirror Print?] appears. Press the [OK] key.

Modèles apparentés


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