When I push the print button, the error message "TEXT TOO HIGH!" / "Text Too High!" / "Text too large!" appears on the LCD.

These messages appear if the size of the text is larger than the width of the installed tape.

Please reduce the character size or install a wider tape.


How to reduce the text size to fit within the label length




  1. Press the [Menu] key ( Menu ).

  2. Press Up or Down to display [Auto Fit Style], and then press the [OK] key or [Enter] key ( Enter / Enter ).

  3. Press Up or Down to display one of the following options:
    Option Description
    Text Size The total text size is modified to fit within the label.
    Text Width The text width will be reduced to the size of x1/2 setting.

  4. Press the [OK] key or [Enter] key.



  1. Press the [Home] key ( Home ).

  2. Press Left or Right to display [Settings], and then press the [OK] key or [Enter] key ( Enter / Enter ).

  3. Press Up or Down to display [Auto Fit Style], and then press the [OK] key or [Enter] key.

  4. Press Up or Down to display one of the following options:
    Option Description
    Text Size The total text size is modified to fit within the label.
    Text Width The text width will be reduced to the size of x1/2 setting.

  5. Press the [OK] key or [Enter] key.

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1. lépés: Mennyire volt segítségére az ezen weboldalon kapott információ?

2. lépés: Szeretne még bármilyen megjegyzést hozzáfűzni?

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