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FAQs & Troubleshooting

FAQs & Troubleshooting

Preparation before threading

When doing preparation before threading, turn off the machine for safety.

Thread tree

Raise the telescoping thread tree to its highest position. Make sure that the thread holders are in alignment above the spool pins as illustrated left.


(1) Thread holder on thread tree
(2) Spool pin
(3) Spool cushion
(4) Correct position




Thread spool

The procedure for placing the spool of thread on the spool pin differs according to the shape of the spool.


Type A


If you are sewing with loosely spun nylon thread, we recommend that you cover the spool with the net supplied to prevent the thread from slipping off the spool.
Adapt the net to the shape of the spool.


(1) Spool support
(2) Spool cushion
(3) Net



Type B



(1) Spool support
(2) Spool mat
(3) Spool cap




Needle position

Move the needles to their highest positions before threading.


  1. Turn off the main power switch for safety.



  2. Set the needle bar in its highest position by turning the handwheel toward you.
    Turn the handwheel to find the easiest position for threading.



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