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FAQs & Troubleshooting

FAQs & Troubleshooting

How to use the Sequential Numbering Feature.

  1. Select the text tool 'A', click on the label.

  2. Type the first number to start the sequential numbering (Use zeros for place holders for numbering higher than 9)

  3. Highlight the number to be used with the 'A' tool then click on the numbering icon OR select Numbering from the Edit menu.

  4. Click on File and select Print.

  5. Type in the total number of labels to be printed in the Numbering section.

  6. Click on OK.

    Example: To create one label and have it number automatically from 1 to 100, start with the number "001". When printing the label, specify "100" in the numbering section after selecting Print. The labels would print out 001, 002, 003...098, 099, 100.

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