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Preguntas frecuentes y Solución de problemas

Preguntas frecuentes y Solución de problemas

Set the Time Zone

Set the time zone for your location on the machine.

For example, the time zone for Eastern Time in the USA and Canada is UTC-05:00. Pacific Time in the USA and Canada is UTC-08:00.

Time Zone Standard Time
Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone UTC - 10:00
Alaska Time Zone UTC - 9:00
Pacific Time Zone UTC - 8:00
Mountain Time Zone UTC - 7:00
Central Time Zone UTC - 6:00
Eastern Time Zone UTC - 5:00
Atlantic Time Zone UTC - 4:00


  1. Press [Settings].
  2. Press [Date & Time]>[Time Zone].
  3. Enter your time zone.
  4. Press [OK].
  5. Press .


  1. Press [Settings].
  2. Press [Date & Time]>[Time Zone].
  3. Enter your time zone.
  4. Press [OK].
  5. Press .
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