How do I connect my computer to the printer using the Wireless Direct mode?
For Windows :
Download Software/Document Installer from the [Downloads] section of this website and then start the installer.
P-touch Editor, Printer Setting Tool, and other software are installed in addition to the printer driver.
When the dialog box for selecting the connection method is displayed after the printer driver installation starts, select [Local Connection (USB)].
Click [Next], and then follow the installer instructions.
Press the Wi-Fi ( ) key on this machine.
When Wi-Fi® is On, the Wi-Fi LED will be On or flashing.
Change the settings of the printer.
Connect the printer and computer using a USB cable.
Start the Printer Setting Tool on your computer, and click [Communication Settings].
Confirm the SSID (network name) and password (network key) in the [Wireless Direct] tab. Select [Wireless Direct] for [Selected Interface] in [Communication Settings] in the [General] tab, and then click [Apply].
From your computer, select the SSID you confirmed in step 4 and connect to the printer.
The factory setting for the SSID is "DIRECT-*****_QL-1110NWB" , where "***** " is the last five digits of the product serial number.
If you are prompted to enter a password, enter the password (network key) you confirmed in step 4.
For Windows 10 or later, select the [Connect automatically] check box.
It may take several minutes until the connection is finished.
Start the Printer Setting Tool on your computer again, and click [Communication Settings] button.
Confirm the IP address in [Current Status] in the [Wireless Direct] tab.
Open the [Devices and Printers] window. (For more information about opening the window, click here.)
Click [Add a printer].
For Windows 8 or later:
Click [The printer that I want isn't listed] on the bottom of the window instead of selecting the displayed printer icon for the QL-1110NWB.
For Windows 8 or later:
Select [Add a local printer or network printer with manual settings], and then click [Next].
For Windows 7 or earlier:
Click the [Add a local printer].
Select the [Create a new port] option, select [Standard TCP/IP Port], and then click [Next].
Enter the IP address you confirmed in step 6, and then click [Next]. The computer will start searching for the TCP/IP port.
When the dialog box with [Which version of the driver do you want to use?] appears, select [Use the driver that is currently installed (recommended)], and then click [Next]. Confirm the printer name, and then click [Next]. You have finished connecting your computer to the printer.
Open the [Devices and Printers] window again, click the [Ports] tab in the [Printer Properties] dialog box, confirm that the IP address for the printer is the same as the address you confirmed in step 6 and that the [Standard TCP/IP Port] option (not WSD port) is selected.
Start P-touch Editor to create and print labels.
For Mac:
Press the Wi-Fi ( ) key on this machine.
When Wi-Fi is On, the Wi-Fi LED will be On or flashing.
Change the settings of the printer.
Connect the printer and computer using a USB cable.
Start the Printer Setting Tool from the computer, set [WirelessDirect] to [On] in the [Wireless LAN] tab, and confirm the SSID (network name) and password (network key).
From your computer, select the SSID you confirmed in step 2 and connect to the printer.
The factory setting for the SSID is "DIRECT-*****_QL-1110NWB", where "***** " is the last five digits of the product serial number.
If you are prompted to enter a password, enter the password (network key) you confirmed in step 2.
It may take several minutes until the connection is finished.
Start P-touch Editor to create and print labels.