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Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

Întrebări frecvente şi depanare

Dezinstalarea driverelor de imprimantă (Linux®)

Pentru a dezinstala driverul imprimantei, procedați astfel:


  1. Conectați-vă ca superutilizator (sau utilizați opțiunea "sudo" dacă este necesar)
  2. Dezinstalati driverul CUPS wrapper

    Comandă (pentru dpkg) : dpkg -P (cupswrapper-driver-name)
    Comandă (pentru rpm) : rpm -e (cupswrapper-driver-name)
    exemplu (pentru dpkg) | exemplu (pentru rpm)
  3. Dezinstalarea driverul LPR

    Comandă (pentru dpkg) : dpkg -P (lpr-driver-name)
    Comandă (pentru rpm) : rpm -e (lpr-driver-name)
    exemplu (pentru dpkg) | exemplu (pentru rpm)
  4. Verificați dezinstalarea (driverul CUPS wrapper).

    Comandă (pentru dpkg) : dpkg -l | grep Brother
    Comandă (pentru rpm) : rpm -qa | grep -e (lpr-driver-name) -e (cupswrapper-driver name)
    exemplu (pentru dpkg) | exemplu (pentru rpm)
  5. Verificați dezinstalarea (driverul LPR).

    Comandă (pentru dpkg) :dpkg -l | grep Brother
    Comandă (pentru rpm) :rpm -qa | grep -e (lpr-drivername)
    exemplu (pentru dpkg) | exemplu (pentru rpm)

Dezinstalați driverul CUPS wrapper (dpkg)

# dpkg -P ql1050cupswrapper
(Reading database ... 97352 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing ql1050cupswrapper ...
 * Restarting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd                         [ OK ]
 * Restarting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd                         [ OK ]
Purging configuration files for ql1050cupswrapper ...
 * Restarting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd                         [ OK ]

Dezinstalarea driverului CUPS wrapper (rpm)

# rpm -e ql1050cupswrapper
Stopping cups: [  OK  ]
Starting cups: [  OK  ]


Dezinstalați driverul LPR (dpkg)

# dpkg -P ql1050lpr
(Reading database ... 97349 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing ql1050lpr ...
rmdir: failed to remove `/usr/local/Brother/PTouch/ql1050/lpd': No such file or directory
rmdir: failed to remove `/usr/local/Brother/PTouch/ql1050/inf': No such file or directory
rmdir: failed to remove `/usr/local/Brother/PTouch/ql1050': No such file or directory
 * Restarting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd                         [ OK ]
Purging configuration files for ql1050lpr ...
rmdir: failed to remove `/usr/local/Brother/PTouch/ql1050/lpd': No such file or directory
rmdir: failed to remove `/usr/local/Brother/PTouch/ql1050/inf': No such file or directory
rmdir: failed to remove `/usr/local/Brother/PTouch/ql1050': No such file or directory
 * Restarting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd                         [ OK ]
dpkg - warning: while removing ql1050lpr, directory `/usr/local' not empty so not removed.

Dezinstalarea driverului LPR (rpm)

# rpm -e ql1050lpr

Verificați dezinstalarea (CUPS wrapper / LPR) (dpkg)

# dpkg -l | grep Brother

Verificați dezinstalarea (CUPS wrapper ) (rpm)

# rpm -qa | grep -e ql1050lpr -e ql1050cupswrapper


Verificați dezinstalarea (LPR) (rpm)

# rpm -qa | grep -e ql1050lpr
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