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FAQs & Troubleshooting

FAQs & Troubleshooting

Threading the left needle

Run the thread in the sequence illustrated, following the yellow color and the numbers next to each threading point.




  1. Pull the thread off the spool and directly up through the thread holder and the thread plate on the thread tree from back to front.



  2. Pass the thread thourgh the hole  on the top of machine.

    Pass the thread through the tension disc which is in the channel next to the yellow tension adjustment dial.




  3. Guide the thread down the channel and across through the threading points next to the yellow color marks following the numerical order in the accompanying illustration.



    Make sure the thread is through the left of the separater <A>.

  4. Bring the thread down through the needle bar thread guide and through the left needle from front to back.

    (<B>: two needles/ <C>: one needle)


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