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FAQs & Troubleshooting

FAQs & Troubleshooting

How to use the Numbering function

To use the Numbering function,


  1. Type the text.
  2. Move the cursor to the number that you want to increase using the Cursor key (  ).
  3. Press the [Shift] key ( Shift (D200) / Shift (D202) ) and the [Print] key ( Print (D200) / Print (D202) ).
  4. Press the Cursor key until [Numbering] is displayed.
  5. Press the [OK] key.
  6. [N* - 9?] appears.
    * "N" is the number under which you put the cursor in Step 2.
  7. Type the highest number to be printed.
  8. Press the [OK] key to print the labels.


When making the following labels,


  1. Type "ABC3"
  2. Press the [Shift] key and the [Print] key.
  3. Press the Cursor key until [Numbering] is displayed.
  4. Press the [OK] key.
  5. [3 - 9?] appears.
  6. Type "5" for the highest number to be printed.
  7. Press the [OK] key to print the labels.
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