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FAQs & Troubleshooting

FAQs & Troubleshooting

Export saved labels from P-touch Design&Print to P-touch Design&Print 2

In order to export your labels from P-touch Design&Print up to P-touch Design&Print 2, the version of each application has to be as follows:

P-touch Design&Print iOS Version 2.6.1 or later
Android™ Version 2.6.1 or later
P-touch Design&Print 2 iOS Version 1.2.0 or later
Android™ Version 1.2.2 or later


Since P-touch Design&Print has been discontinued, you may not be able to export your labels to P-touch Design&Print 2 if you had not updated P-touch Design&Print to the latest version.

To export a saved label from P-touch Design&Print to P-touch Design&Print 2, do the following:


  1. Update P-touch Design&Print 2 to the latest version.
    iOS You can download from App Store.
    Android™ You can download from Google Play™.

  2. Open P-touch Design&Print on your mobile device.

  3. Tap [ file button ].
    App top page

  4. Tap the [ menu ] or [ menu ] button.
    Create labels

  5. Tap [Export to P-touch Design&Print2].
    Export button

  6. Tap [OK].

  7. When the message appears, tap [OK].

  8. Select label layout, then tap [SAVE].
    Select layout

  9. Open P-touch Design&Print 2 to use the label layout you exported.

    You can save up to 100 exported label layouts in P-touch Design&Print 2.

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