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FAQs & Troubleshooting

FAQs & Troubleshooting

Printed barcodes cannot be read.

Try the following:


  • Print labels so that barcodes are placed in the direction as shown below:
    OK mark
    NG mark
    Barcode OK
    Barcode NG
    1 Tape feed direction

  • Try using another scanner.
  • We recommend printing the barcodes with [Standard] selected from the [Quality] options if small characters are not included.
    If small characters are included, we recommend printing the barcodes with [High Quality] selected from the [Quality] options.

    To display the [Quality] options:
    1. Open printer properties. (To learn how to open the printer properties, see “How to open the Devices and Printers window.”)
    2. Right-click the printer you want to set up, and then click [Printing Preferences].
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