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FAQs & Troubleshooting

FAQs & Troubleshooting

When I update the firmware, my machine's screen shows a vertical bar or its LEDs indicate an error.

When updating the firmware, my machine powers off. After that I turn on the machine and the machine's display or LED indication shows as below.


For models with LED indication

Recovery Mode


For models with a display



Follow the steps below to update your machine's firmware again.

You need to connect the machine with a USB cable to update the firmware.


  1. If you have not previously used this machine with USB cable, install the driver from the supplied CD-ROM or download the Full Driver & Software Package and install it for USB connection.
    > Click here to download the Full Driver & Software Package in the Downloads section.
  2. Download the Firmware Update Tool and update the firmware with USB connection again.
    > Click here to download the Firmware Update Tool in the Downloads section.


Download the Firmware Update Tool and update the firmware with USB connection again.

> Click here to download the Firmware Update Tool in the Downloads section.



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