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FAQs & Troubleshooting

FAQs & Troubleshooting

How do I print the received faxes that are stored in memory? (Message Store)

Message Manager Mode allows you to store incoming fax in a flexible memory up to 20 pages of fax messages (The actual number of pages stored in memory varies depending on the content and the resolution used. Memory is shared between fax and voice messages, which are stored on a "first-come, first-served" basis).

If you have enabled Message Manager Mode, you can print the faxes from memory when you are at your machine. To print the faxes you have received, please follow these steps:
  1. Press Play/Record. After two seconds, the machine begins to play voice messages.

  2. After playing voice messages, thedisplay asks if you want to print fax messages that are in the memory. There is no display if there are no faxes.

  3. To print the fax messages, press 1(YES).
    Press 2(NO) to exit without printing.

Once you print a new fax message stored in memory, it is erased from the memory automatically.

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