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Is my PS-9000 compatible with the QL-500/550?
Check if the version of PS-9000 is compatible with the QL-500/550 as follows:
[Check Method]
Check the PS-9000 package to see if the QL-500/550 is on the list of compatible models.
Check the label on the back of PS-9000 and see if "V001" is shown.
Check the version of PS-9000 using your WEB browser.
If the version number is earlier than Ver.1.2.0, then it is not compatible.
[If you find that the PS-9000 is not compatible with QL-500/550]
A firmware update is necessary to make the PS-9000 compatible with the QL-500/550.
Download the file from the Download page, then update the PS-9000 by following the Manual/readme.