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FAQs & Troubleshooting

FAQs & Troubleshooting

Set the date and time.

To set the date and time, follow the instructions listed below:

  1. Press Settings(Settings).

  2. Press Date and time(Date & Time).

  3. Press the Up or Down arrow key to display Date.
    Press Date.

  4. Enter the last two digits of the year using the numbers on the machine's display (hereinafter called LCD), and then press OK.

    Date and time

    (for example, enter 1 3 for 2013.)

  5. Enter the two digits for the month using the numbers on the LCD, and then press OK.

  6. Enter the two digits for the day using the numbers on the LCD, and then press OK.

  7. Press the Up or Down arrow key to display Clock Type.
    Press Clock Type.

  8. Press 12h Clock or 24h Clock.


  9. Press the Up or Down arrow key to display Time.
    Press Time.

  10. Enter the time using the numbers on the LCD.

  11. If you select 12h Clock in Step 8, press AM or PM to choose AM or PM.


  12. Press OK, and then press Home(Home).
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