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FAQ & Fehlerbehebung

FAQ & Fehlerbehebung

Install NewSoft CD Labeler software in Windows.

NewSoft CD Labeler lets you print your favorite photos or a variety of design templates directly onto a CD, DVD or Blu-ray Disc™ with a printable surface.

  1. Insert the Brother CD. When the CD runs select your language.


    (Screen layout varies by model or Operating System.)

  2. Click on Additional Applications.


  3. Click on NewSoft CD Labeler.


  4. The install screen will appear. Click Next.


  5. The License Agreement screen will now appear. You must click the radio button next to I accept the terms of the licence agreement and then click Next to continue.


  6. You will now be shown the default install path. Click Next.


  7. You will now be shown the default program folder name. You may change it is you wish, but it is recommended you keep the default name. Click Next to continue.


  8. The install will proceed. Once it is complete you will see a screen stating InstallShield Wizard Complete. Click Finish. The install is now complete!


    To run the application you may click on the image icon or click Start => (All) Programs => NewSoft CD Labeler.


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