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FAQs & Troubleshooting

FAQs & Troubleshooting

How to use Remote Update

The Remote Update feature allows downloading new templates, databases, and other files, and for the semi-automatic update of the printer's settings with a simple connection to a network folder (the FTP server) where the update files reside.


Connect to the FTP server and download new templates, databases, and other files. Set the information of the FTP server in advance using [Communication Settings] in the Printer Setting Tool.

For more information, see "Using the Communication settings".

This item appears when the FTP server is set and updated files are available.

  1. Press the Menu / (Select) button to select the [Update] menu, and then press the  (Feed) / OK button.
  2. Select [Start], and then press the  (Feed) / OK button.
    When the update starts, [Receiving] or [Downloading] appears on the LCD.
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