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Print a PDF file with mixed paper sizes from different paper trays (Mac).

Follow these steps to print mixed-size documents using Paper Tray 1, the optional paper tray (if installed), or the MP Tray.

To print mixed-page documents, we recommend you open the file as a PDF with Adobe® Acrobat Reader or a similar Adobe-branded PDF program. Web-based PDF documents or PDF documents opened in a different application may not properly print mixed-sized documents.

Configure Paper Trays

  1. Load paper in the paper trays.
  2. Set the paper size for each tray.
    1. Press the [Settings] menu.
    2. Select [General Setup].
    3. Press [Tray Setting].
    4. Press [Paper Size] and then press the option you want.
    5. Return to the Home screen.

Turn the [Auto Continue] setting Off to prevent the machine from using another paper tray when it runs out of paper. ([Settings] > [Printer] > [Auto Continue])


Set the Emulation option to BR-Script 3

Set the Emulation option to BR-Script 3 to use the PostScript driver.

  1. Press the [Settings] menu.
  2. Press [Printer].
  3. Press [Emulation].
  4. Press up or down to choose [BR-Script 3] and then press [OK].
  5. Return to the Home screen.

This option will be displayed only on the machines using PostScript emulation.

Add your Brother machine's printer driver on Mac OS

  1. Click on the [Apple Menu] and select [System Preferences].
  2. Click the [Printers & Scanners] icon.
  3. Click [Add Printer, Scanner, or Fax].
    Printers & Scanners menu on Mac OS
  4. Select the printer you want to add. From the [Use] drop-down list, select [Generic PostScript Printer].
    Add Printer menu on mac OS
  5. Click [Add].

AirPrint drivers do not support printing documents with mixed paper sizes.


Print a PDF file with mixed paper sizes on Mac OS

  1. Open the PDF file using Adobe Acrobat or Reader.
  2. Select [File] and then [Print].
  3. Select the [Choose paper source by PDF page size] option.
    Print manu
  4. Click [Print].

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