FAQs & Troubleshooting |
List of Error Messages for CanvasWorkspace (Others)
When the following error screen appears on your CanvasWorkspace, perform the necessary operation.
Refer to the solution for each message with clicking the message in the following table.
If you cannot find the code/message you were looking for,
When the message is displayed on the machine's LCD screen, click here.
When the "E#####" or "N#####" after the message is displayed on the computer screen, click here.
When the "ErrS##" or "NoteS##" after the message is displayed on the computer screen, click here.
Error Message |
Cause / Solution |
Please register your machine. |
Click here. |
The entered text cannot be used. |
Click here. |
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Have you checked the manuals?
If you need further assistance, please contact Brother customer service:
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