How do I save the printer settings to a file? (P-touch Editor 5.x for Windows)

  1. Start the P-touch Editor and connect the printer to the computer with a USB cable.
  2. Select [Software Information Scan] from the [Help] menu.
    P-toch Editor
  3. When the "P-touch Software Information Scan" screen is displayed, click the [Retrieve Information] button.
    P-touch Software Information Scan
  4. Click the plus sign next to [Printer status] under [Item name:] at the lower-left of the "P-touch Software Information Scan" screen.
    P-touch Software Information Scan
    If you use multiple printers, [Brother [model name](1 copy)] will be displayed. When multiple printers are displayed, select your current printer.
  5. The printer's retrieved information is displayed in [Details:] at the lower-right of the "P-touch Software Information Scan" screen.
    Copy the displayed text using the mouse, paste into Notepad, then save as a file.
    P-touch Software Information Scan

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