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FAQ 및 문제 해결

How to replace the coin cell battery

A coin cell battery is used as a backup power supply to maintain the settings for the internal clock. Battery power is consumed even if the printer is not in use.


  • Remove the battery if you do not intend to use the printer for an extended period of time.
  • We recommend replacing the battery every two years.
  • If the clock is reset while power is supplied to the machine, replace this battery. When replacing the battery, use a CR2032 Coin Cell battery.
  • Dispose of the battery at an appropriate collection point, not in the general waste stream. Be sure to observe all applicable federal, state, and local regulations.
  • Use only recommended batteries. Other batteries may cause damage to the printer.
  • When storing or discarding a battery, wrap it with cellophane tape to prevent it from short-circuiting.
    Wrapping cell battery 1. Cellophane tape
    2. Coin cell battery



  1. Disconnect the printer from the AC power outlet.

  2. Place the printer upside down.

  3. Remove the front cover base using a flathead screwdriver.

  4. Remove the battery.

  5. Insert the new battery into the battery slot, making sure the battery is level and its positive side is facing up.

  6. Reattach the front cover base using a flathead screwdriver.

  7. Reconnect the AC Power Cord to the AC power outlet.

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