How do I use the Screen Capture tool? (P-touch Editor 5.x for Windows)

There are two ways to import the image of an area on your desktop/screen into a label.

Method 1: Using Snap mode
Method 2: Using Professional mode


Method 1: Using Snap mode


  1. Click the Snap button on the left bottom corner. The "Description of Snap mode" window appears. Click the OK button.
    P-touch Editor Express mode

    Snap mode starts.
    Snap bar

  2. Click the "Screen Capture" button Screen Capture button. Snap mode disappears and the shape of the pointer changes.

  3. Specify the area you want to import by drawing a rectangle around it.
    Click the start point of the area you want to select.
  4. Click the end of the area.

  5. The image data of the selected area is imported into the edit screen.

    <Using the screen of Express mode as an example>
    P-touch Editor Express mode
    • You can also specify the area by dragging the mouse from the start point to the end point.
    • When you want to cancel Screen Capture mode, click the right mouse button or press the Esc key.


Method 2: Using Professional mode

Click the Professional button on the left bottom corner to change to Professional mode.


  1. Click the Screen Capture button on the side bar. The current screen disappears and the shape of the pointer changes.
    P-touch Editor Professional mode

  2. Take the same steps as Method 1 to import the data.

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