PR680W / PR680WC

FAQ 및 문제 해결

FAQ 및 문제 해결

The pattern transferred from the Artspira app does not appear on the screen of the machine

Case1 : A machine different than the one to be used was selected when the data was transferred from the Artspira app

Case2 : The storage period on the server has elapsed

Case3 : The machine's software has not been updated to the latest version; therefore, an app pattern cannot be retrieved

Case1 : A machine different than the one to be used was selected when the data was transferred from the Artspira app

Select the correct machine in the Artspira app, and then transfer the data again.

Case2 : The storage period on the server has elapsed

Data is erased from the server after a certain period of time has elapsed since the data was transferred. Retrieve the data on the machine as soon as possible after transferring the data.

Case3 : The machine's software has not been updated to the latest version; therefore, an app pattern cannot be retrieved

Update the software of the machine to the latest version. For details on updating the machine, refer to the Operation Manual supplied with it.

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