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FAQ 및 문제 해결

List of Error Messages for Artspira app (M#######/E#####)

When the following error screen appears on your device, perform the necessary operation.

Refer to the solution for each error code with clicking the error code in the following table.

Error Code is the number described at the end of the message on the error screen as below.

img01 (1) Error code
Error Code Error Message
M1332002 Login failed. Please check your entries and log in again.(M1332002)
M2102501 The data could not be saved on the server. Check the network.(M2102501)
M2513631 The data could not be downloaded. Please try again.(M2513631)
M3124301 Rename failed, Please try again.(M3124301)
M4210001 There is no data that can be output.(M4210001)
M4341001 This data cannot be used. It exceeds the maximum embroidering range of the registered embroidery machine.(M4341001)
M4345001 Check the embroidery machine you are using to see if this data is available.(M4345001)
M4452001 The current font size is below the recommended minimum size for the selected font. The shape may collapse during embroidering.(M4452001)
M5541001 This data cannot be transferred. It exceeds the maximum embroidering range of the registered embroidery machine.(M5541001)
M5612301 The printer cannot be connected. Search for the printer again.(M5612301)
M5613201 The data could not be sent.(M5613201)
M5622201 The data could not be transferred.(M5622201)
M6331001 Cannot be placed outside the drawing area.(M6331001)
E92001 Operation not allowed. The selected objects include open paths or self-intersecting paths.(E92001)
E96001 The selected shape is too large. Unable to fill with plural pieces of shapes.(E96001)

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