모델이 단종되었습니다. 이 페이지는 더 이상 업데이트되지 않습니다.

Why does the message "No Response/Busy" appear on my Transmission Verification Report?

The message "No Response/Busy" on the Transmission Verification Report indicates that the number you attempted to send to was busy or did not respond to your incoming fax.

The problem may be related to your line connection.

Make sure the telephone cord is connected from your wall telephone jack (socket) to your Brother machine's LINE jack (socket).

  • You may receive the "No Response/Busy" message if the telephone cord is connected to your Brother machine's EXT jack (socket).

The problem may also be related to the fax numbers you're attempting to send to.

We recommend you contact the other party and verify that they are not having issues with their fax machine or phone line.

  • If the other party indicates they are not experiencing problems, the problem may be a temporary phone company issue.
Try sending the fax at another time of day.

This error will appear if your Brother machine does not have a dial tone.

Verify whether your Brother machine has a dial tone.

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