Send a Fax Using PC-FAX (Windows®)

PC-FAX supports only monochrome faxes. A monochrome fax will be sent even if the original data is colour and the receiving fax machine supports colour faxes.

  1. Create a file in any application on your computer.
  2. Select the print command in your application.
  3. Select Brother PC-FAX as your printer, and then complete your print operation.
    The Brother PC-FAX dialog box appears.
  4. Type a fax number using one of the following methods:
    • Click the numbers on the dial pad to type the number, and then click Add Send Address.
      If you select the Dial Restriction check box, a confirmation dialog box will appear for you to re-type the fax number using the keyboard. This feature helps to prevent transmissions to the wrong destination.
    • Click the Address Book button, and then select a member or group from the Address Book.

    If you make a mistake, click All Clear to delete all entries.

  5. To include a cover page, select the Add Cover Page check box. You can also click to create or edit a cover page.
  6. Click Start to send the fax.
    • To cancel the fax, click Cancel.
    • To redial a number, click Redial to show the last five fax numbers, select a number, and then click Start.

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