FAQ 및 문제 해결

FAQ 및 문제 해결

When I print from Microsoft Excel 2002/2003, Word 2002/2003 or PowerPoint 2002/2003, semitransparent graphics are printed incorrectly.

Please follow the procedure below to improve the printout of semitransparent graphics.

  1. Right click on the graphics and select the Format AutoShape from the Menu.

    Select the Format Auto Shape from the menu.

  2. Click the Colors and Lines tab.
  3. Click the Color pull-down list and select Fill Effects....

    Select Fill Effects

  4. Click the Pattern tab.

    Click the Pattern tab

  5. Choose the same color for the Foreground and Background pull-down list.

    Choose the same color

If the color in the Graphics is blue, please select blue for the Foreground and Background color.

  1. Click OK.
  2. Click OK.

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