I'm using Windows. I insert the CD-ROM supplied with my machine into my PC's CD-ROM drive, but the installation screen is not automatically displayed on the PC.



Follow the steps below to display the installation screen:

(Windows 10)

  1. Click File Explorer.




  2. Click This PC.




  3. Open the CD/ DVD drive.




  4. Double-click the start.exe to run the opening screen.


(Windows 2000/ Windows XP/ Windows Vista/ Windows 7)

  1. Go to My Computer (Computer) and double-click the CD-ROM icon.
  2. Double click on "start.exe".
  3. The CD-ROM installation screen will then be displayed.

(Windows 8)

  1. On the Start screen, click DownArrow.



    If DownArrow is not on the Start screen, right-click somewhere on an empty spot (1), and then click, All Apps from the bar (2).


    Start screen


  2. Click File Explorer.
    File Explorer


  3. Open the CD/ DVD drive and then double-click the start.exe to run the opening screen.
    Open CD/ DVD drive and double-click start.exe

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