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FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi

FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi

The fabric tape became detached after washing.

The adhesive force of the fabric tape varies depending on ironing temperature, ironing procedure, and fabric materials.



  1. Set the iron to a medium-high temperature (160-180°C / 320-355°F).
  2. Press down firmly for 15-30 seconds.


<Suitable Materials>

  • 100% Cotton
  • 100% Linen
  • 100% Polyester
  • Polyester + Cotton

    Please note that for best results, the above suitable fabrics should have relatively smooth surfaces.


<Unsuitable Materials>

  • Wool, Rayon, Chemical fiber
  • Toweling and other thick materials
  • Denim and other rough surfaced materials
  • Waterproof materials
  • Non-heatproof materials (low temperature requirement)
  • Elastic (stretchable) type materials

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