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FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi

FAQ e Risoluzione dei problemi

How do I type symbols?

  1. Press the Symbol key.
    A list of symbol categories and symbols in that category is displayed.
    * The last symbol entered is selected in the displayed list.

  2. Select a symbol category (Punctuation, Mathematics, etc.) using the Up or Down arrow key or by pressing the Symbol key repeatedly, and then press the OK or Enter key.

  3. Select a symbol using Up, Down, Left or Right arrow key and then press the OK or Enter key.
    The selected symbol is inserted into the line of text.
    When selecting symbol:
    • Press the Shift key and the Symbol key to return to the previous page.
    • Press the Symbol key to return to the next page.

The list of available symbols can be found in the User's Guide from the [Manuals] section of this website.

Se la domanda non ha trovato risposta, provare a controllare altre FAQ.

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