I cannot connect Wired LAN or WLAN when using the Active Docking Station.

Check the following:

  • Is the wired LAN cable connected correctly?
  • Is WLAN setting correctly completed?
  • Check the Wired LAN and WLAN (Infrastructure mode) settings of the printer.
    Enable or disable the functions on the [Wired LAN] / [WLAN] menu to select either "Wired LAN", "WLAN (Infrastructure mode)", or "No connection" when the printer is on the Active Docking Station.
    Wired LAN WLAN
    (Infrastructure mode)
    Connection status when the printer is docked to the Active Docking Station
    ON ON WLAN (Infrastructure mode) -> Wired LAN
    ON OFF Wired LAN
    OFF ON WLAN (Infrastructure mode)
    OFF OFF No connection
  • Wired LAN and Wi-Fi connection (Infrastructure mode) cannot be used at the same time.
  • If While cradled connect using wired LAN (turns off Wi-Fi infrastructure) in Communication Settings in the General tab of the Communication Settings Tool is checked, the settings of the main unit may be overwritten.
    Communication Settings

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Kérjük, segítse munkánkat azzal, hogy visszajelzést küld.

1. lépés: Mennyire volt segítségére az ezen weboldalon kapott információ?

2. lépés: Szeretne még bármilyen megjegyzést hozzáfűzni?

Kérjük, vegye fegyelembe, hogy ezen az űrlapon csak visszajelzéseket várunk.