How do I change the character size?

  • Formatting the character size of all text in the label:


    1. Press Format key.
    2. Press Left arrow key or Right arrow key until G.SIZE is displayed.
    3. Press Home key or End key until the desired character size setting is displayed.
    4. Press Enter key. The selected setting is applied to the entire text.

  • Formatting the character size of a line:


    1. Move the cursor to the line of text whose size you wish to change.
    2. Press Code key, then E key. SIZE is displayed.
    3. Press Home key or End key until the desired character size setting is displayed.
    4. Press Enter key. The selected setting is only applied to the text line that the cursor is positioned in.

The following table shows the maximum text size that can be used with each tape width.

Tape Width Maximum Text Size
6 mm 12 points
9 mm 18 points
12 mm 24 points
18 mm 36 points
24 mm 48 points

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1. lépés: Mennyire volt segítségére az ezen weboldalon kapott információ?

2. lépés: Szeretne még bármilyen megjegyzést hozzáfűzni?

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