Innov-is XJ2

GYIK és hibaelhárítás

GYIK és hibaelhárítás

How to adjust the thread tension


You may need to change the thread tension, depending on the fabric and thread being used. Follow the steps below to make any necessary changes.


Press image to return the thread tension to the original setting.




Proper Thread Tension

The upper thread and the bobbin thread should cross near the center of the fabric. Only the upper thread should be visible from the right side of the fabric, and only the bobbin thread should be visible from the wrong side of the fabric.

image (1) Wrong side
(2) Surface
(3) Upper thread
(4) Bobbin thread





Upper Thread is Too Tight

If the bobbin thread is visible from the right side of the fabric, the upper thread is too tight.

If the bobbin thread was incorrectly threaded, the upper thread may be too tight. In this case, refer to How do I set the bobbin ? and rethread the bobbin thread.

image (1) Bobbin thread
(2) Upper thread
(3) Surface
(4) Locks appear on surface of fabric
Press image , to loosen the upper thread.





Upper Thread is Too Loose

If the upper thread is visible from the wrong side of the fabric, the upper thread is too loose.

If the upper thread was incorrectly threaded, the upper thread may be too loose. In this case, refer to How do I thread my machine ? and rethread the upper thread.

image (1) Upper thread
(2) Bobbin thread
(3) Wrong side
(4) Locks appear on wrong side of fabric
Press image , to tighten the upper thread.


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1. lépés: Mennyire volt segítségére az ezen weboldalon kapott információ?

2. lépés: Szeretne még bármilyen megjegyzést hozzáfűzni?

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