Clean the paper pick-up roller

Follow the steps below to clean the paper pick-up roller.
  1. Pull the paper tray completely out of the machine.
  2. If paper is loaded or something is stuck inside in the paper tray, remove it.
  3. Remove anything that is stuck inside the paper tray.
  4. Tightly wring out a soft, lint-free cloth soaked in lukewarm water, and then wipe the separation pad (1) of the paper tray with it to remove dust.
  5.  Wipe the two pick-up rollers (1) inside of the machine to remove dust.
  6. Reload the paper, and then put the paper tray firmly back in the machine.

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1. lépés: Mennyire volt segítségére az ezen weboldalon kapott információ?

2. lépés: Szeretne még bármilyen megjegyzést hozzáfűzni?

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