What do the indicator lights mean?



  1. Display LED (green)
    Lights up when the AiRScouter is on and an image is being projected on the display.
  2. Key Lock LED (orange)
    Lights up when button operation on the Control Box is disabled.
  3. Internal battery LED (orange)
    Lights up when the Control Box is being powered by the internal battery.
  4. External power LED (orange)
    Lights up when the Control Box is being powered by the AC adapter or by an external battery (e.g., third-party USB battery).

The LED indicators light up or flash to show the status of the AiRScouter.  The following illustrations indicate the meanings of colors and flashing patterns of the LED indicators.

green_lit or orange_lit LED indicator lights up in the color shown
 green_flash or orange_flash LED indicator flashes in the color shown
* The flashing patterns depend on the status shown in the tables below.
off LED indicator is off


Display LED (green)

State Name Description
green_lit Display ON The AiRScouter is receiving a compatible video signal from an external device.
Operating The Control Box is processing the video signal.
No input The AiRScouter is not receiving a compatible video signal from an external device.
off Power OFF The AiRScouter is powered off. To power it on, press the Power button.

Key Lock LED (orange)

State Name Description
orange_lit Key Lock ON Button operation on the Control Box is disabled.
off Key Lock OFF Button operation on the Control Box is enabled.

Internal battery LED (orange)

State Name Description
orange_lit Battery level high The internal battery’s state of charge is full.
Battery level medium The internal battery’s state of charge is half.
Battery level low The internal battery’s state of charge is low.
off No battery The internal battery is fully discharged.

External power LED (orange)  When the AC adapter is connected:

State Name Description
orange_lit Working The AiRScouter is being powered by the AC adapter.
Charging The internal battery is being charged by the AC adapter.
Charging error An error has occurred while the internal battery was charging.
off Full charge The internal battery is fully charged.

External power LED (orange)  When an external battery is connected:

State Name Description
orange_lit Working The AiRScouter is being powered by an external battery.
Connection error An error has occurred while an external battery was supplying power.
off No battery The external battery’s state of charge is low. If the internal battery is charged, the AiRScouter will switch to using it for power (see internal battery LED.)

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