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Usein kysytyt kysymykset ja vianmääritys

Usein kysytyt kysymykset ja vianmääritys

How do I replace the waste toner pack?

Follow the procedure below to replace the waste toner pack.

  • Do not put the waste toner pack into a fire. It could explode.
  • Be careful not to spill the toner. Do not inhale or allow it to get into your eyes.
  • Handle the waste toner pack carefully. If toner scatters on your hands or clothes, immediately wipe or wash it off with cold water.

For the order number (Order No.) of the waste toner box, please refer to the User's guide provided with your Brother Printer or the Consumables & Options page of your model on Brother Solutions Center. To visit Consumables & Options page, click your model name link (e.g. HL-XXXX * ) on the top section and then click "Consumables & Options" link on the opened page. * XXXX stands for your model name.

  1. Open the front cover of the printer.
  2. Remove the waste toner pack from the holder at the lower right hand side of the printer. Be careful not to spill the toner.
  3. Take the cap off the new wast toner pack, and put the cap on the used waste toner pack.

    • When you discard the used waste toner pack, place it in the plastic bag included with the replacement waste toner pack.
    • Discard the used waste toner pack according to local regulations, keeping it separate from domestic waste. If you have questions, call your local waste disposal office.
  4. Put the new waste toner pack into the waste toner pack holder.

  5. Close the front cover.

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