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Usein kysytyt kysymykset ja vianmääritys

Usein kysytyt kysymykset ja vianmääritys

What is the life of the consumables?

Life span of consumables (in printable pages/ images) is as follows.

 Consumable  Number of printable pages/ images (*)
 Black toner cartridge
 About 10,000 pages @5% coverage
 Yellow toner cartridge
 About 6,600pages @5% coverage

 Magenta toner cartridge


 About 6,600 pages @5% coverage

 Cyan toner cartridge
 About 6,600 pages @5% coverage

 OPC Belt Cartridge

 About 60,000 images (15 pages/ job) @5% coverage, by continuous printing
 Waste Toner Pack
 About 12,000 images @5% coverage
 Fusing Unit
 About 60,000 pages @5% coverage


(*)  The number of printable pages/ images corresponds to the printing conditions in the table. The actual number of printable pages/ images depends on the content of printed material, the paper size, and the operating environment.
Differences in number of sheets printed may occur due to power on/off initialization and print quality maintenance operation.

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