Innov-is XE2

Usein kysytyt kysymykset ja vianmääritys

Usein kysytyt kysymykset ja vianmääritys

The App shows the message "The sheet could not be detected. Make sure that the sheet and mobile device are level."

This message is displayed when the Lens Calibration Sheet can not be detected correctly during Lens Calibration.

Check the following points or solutions


1. Shooting the Lens Calibration Sheet


In the first photo, take a picture of the sheet from directly above as shown in the figure.
Be sure that the square marks are aligned within the blue round brackets.



In the second photo, take a picture of the sheet from an angle as shown in the figure.
Be sure that the square marks are aligned within the blue round brackets.




2. Shooting location


Perform Lens Calibration in a lighted environment.


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