Usein kysytyt kysymykset ja vianmääritys

Usein kysytyt kysymykset ja vianmääritys

What is the maximum number of recipients when broadcasting a fax?

If you do not store a Group on any of your Brother machine's One Touch or Speed Dial locations, you can Broadcast a fax to as many as 366 different numbers.

The 366 numbers must be assigned as follows:

  • 16 One Touch numbers, stored on One Touch keys 1/9 through 8/16

  • 300 Speed Dial numbers, stored on Speed Dial locations 001 through 300

  • 50 manually dialed numbers

For more information about storing One Touch and Speed Dial numbers, refer to the solution: Store numbers on my Brother machine for easy dialing.

To see the steps for Broadcasting, refer to the solution: Send the same fax to more than one number at a time.

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