
Usein kysytyt kysymykset ja vianmääritys

Usein kysytyt kysymykset ja vianmääritys


When the DRUM ERROR message appears, the following LED indications is shown on the control panel. The Drum and Error LEDs are flashing.


LED indication - DRUM ERROR


Please follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  • The drum unit needs to be cleaned. Please refer to the instructions, "Clean the corona wire of the drum unit.".
  • If your LEDs still show the same error indication after you have cleaned the corona wire, replace the drum unit with a new one. Please refer to the instructions, "REPLACE DRUM".

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Jos tarvitset lisäapua, ota yhteys Brotherin asiakaspalveluun:

Aiheeseen liittyvät mallit

HL-2130, HL-2132, HL-2135W, HL-2240, HL-2240D, HL-2250DN, HL-2270DW


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