Innov-is XJ2

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

Nejčastější dotazy a pokyny pro odstraňování potíží

How do I Play the MPEG-4 (MP4) Videos?


Your MP4 videos can be played from USB media. In addition, the MP4 video can be saved to the machine so that a tutorial video on creating a project, for example, can be viewed at any time.


  1. Press image .

  2. Press image .

  3. Select the device where the video is saved.
    image (1) Tutorial videos
    (2) Videos saved on the machine (favorites)
    (3) Videos from USB media plugged into the USB port
    (4) Videos from USB media plugged into the USB port for mouse

  4. Select the video that you want to play.


    Long file names may be shortened when they are displayed.

  5. Play the video.
    * Use the operation keys as described in How do I Play the Tutorial Video?.

  6. After you are finished playing the video, press image .



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