Uninstall the Button Manager (Windows).

Follow the steps below applicable for your Operating Systems.



(Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7)


  1. Click Start => (All) Programs.
  2. Search for Brother [model name] Scanner.
  3. Click Button Manager V2.
  4. Click Uninstall from the list and follow the onscreen instructions.



(Windows 8)


  1. On the Start screen, click win8_start_small .


    If win8_start_small  is not on the Start screen, right-click somewhere on an empty spot (1), and then click, All Apps from the bar (2).



  2. Click Uninstall under [model name] Scanner and follow the onscreen instructions.



(Windows 10)


  1. Click Start (=> All apps).
  2. Search for Brother [model name] Scanner.
  3. Click Uninstall.

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