
Veelgestelde vragen en probleemoplossing

Veelgestelde vragen en probleemoplossing

How to clean the Print Head

Clean the print head when changing a label roll.

  • Always turn off the printer before cleaning the print head.
  • Allow the print head to cool down for at least one minute.
  1. Open the Roll Compartment Cover by pressing the tabs on both sides of the printer.

    Open the Roll Comparment Cover

  2. Push the print head release button to open the print head mechanism.

    Push the print head

  3. Wipe the Element (black bar) (2) above the green bar with a cotton swab (3) dipped in isopropyl alcohol or ethanol.

    Wipe the Element
    1.  Print Head Unit
    2.  Element
    3.  Cotton Swab

  4. Close the print head mechanism with both hands until it locks into place.

    Close the print head

  5. Close the Roll Compartment Cover.

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Verwante modellen

TD-4420TN, TD-4520TN


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