
FAQ et Diagnostic

FAQ et Diagnostic

"Connection Fail : Err-02" appears on the LCD Display Screen. What does it mean?

The wireless access point/router cannot be detected.


  1. Check the following 4 points.
  • Make sure that the wireless access point/ router is powered on.
  • Move your machine to an area with no items which obstruct the wireless network signal, such as metal doors or walls, or closer to the wireless access point/router.
  • Temporarily place your machine within about 1 m (3.3 feet) from the wireless access point when you are configuring the wireless settings.
  • If your wireless access point/router is using MAC address filtering, confirm the MAC address of this machine is allowed in the filter.
  1. If you manually entered the SSID and security information (SSID/authentication method encryption method/Network Key (Password)), the information may be incorrect. Reconfirm the SSID and security information and re-enter the correct information as necessary. See How to find the Network Name (SSID) and Network Key (Password)?

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Modèles apparentés

CM700, CM900, SDX1000, SDX1200, SDX1250, SDX2200D, SDX2250D, SDX900

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