
Veelgestelde vragen en probleemoplossing

Veelgestelde vragen en probleemoplossing

How long will the mat last?

The cutting mats used by this machine have been redeveloped with a different design, type, function, etc.
For details, refer to Important information about Mat.



The life of mat will vary depending on the type of the paper or fabric used, frequency of use, and storage condition.

To give the life longer, clean the mat and keep it with the protective sheet affixed.


  • Remove lint or dust on the mat.
  • Do not use alcohol or water to clean the mat.
  • When the mat is not being used, clean it, and then store it with the protective sheet affixed.
  • Do not leave material attached to the mat for a long period of time.
  • Store the mat at room temperature and in a location not exposed to high temperatures, high humidity or direct sunlight.

Staat het antwoord op uw vraag er niet bij, kijkt u dan eerst bij de andere vragen:

Heeft u de beschikbare handleidingen bekeken?

Heeft u meer hulp nodig, dan kunt u contact opnemen met de Brother-klantenservice.

Verwante modellen

CM260, CM300, CM600, CM700, CM840, CM900


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